بين الأرض والسماء مسجد بريشتينا المركزي 3من اصل5

بين الأرض والسماء مسجد بريشتينا المركزي 3من اصل5

بين الأرض والسماء مسجد بريشتينا المركزي 3من اصل5

The symbolic Minarets beside the epigraph is showing the coming up of the
epigraph and moving to the sky.   The Minarets are 103 meters high. They
have steps and Elevators for going up to enjoy the panoramic view of the
The separation and synergy of Entrances create complicated and attractive
functions of the project.
The spaces for Ablution area, toilets and lockers are shaped separately for
men and women in level -3.9.
The locations of plazas are shaped in cor – dination with plan to support light
and natural air for service spaces. The function of these plazas in different
levels and situ ations in connection with penetrating corridors creates
The complex related to the Imam of mosque is designed in connection with
each other to create the maximum access and comfort.
In this project the concept of structure is not the same as other projects.
Here the structural and Architectural concepts are joined together to answer
different needs of each other. In this plan the final size of structural
elements does not come out of mathematical equation and
economic   limitations.
The structure of this project is shaped from combining two captive logics.
In underground levels which usually include parking spaces, shops and
services we have fewer problems in locating verti cal structural elements and
the details of structural elements follow regular criteria and the only
problem is fitting this pattern with the specifications that are forced to the
project from upper levels.
In upper levels we face with vast area such as praying areas for men and
women. These long spans are covered with long beams that from one side
they are placed on surrounding columns and from other side are placed on
a central core.
