ثبت المراجع 1من اصل2
تشمل هذه القائمة جميع المراجع الواردة في كل فصل، فضلاً عن ذكر بعض الإصدارات الأخرى التي أوصي بقراءتها عند قراءة هذا الكتاب.
Boehm, Barry ( 1981) Software Engineering Economics, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Boehm, Barry W and Ross, Rony ( 1989) ” Theory_ W software project management: principles and examples”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 7, July, 902_16.
Buzan, Tony with Buzan, Barry ( 1993) The Mind Map Book, New York: Plume/ Penguin.*
Carroll, Lewis ( 1998) Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland/ Through the Looking_ Glass, Oxford: Oxford Paperbacks.
Charan, Ram and Zolvin, Geoffrey ( 2001) ‘ Managing for the slowdown’, Fortune, 5 February.
Chopra, Deepak ( 1996) The Seven Spiritual Laws of success, London: Transworld Publishers.
Cooper, Alan ( 1999) The Inmates are Running the Asylum, Indianapolis, In: Sams.
Covey, Stephen R. ( 1989) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective people, London: Simon& Schuster. **
De Bono, Edward ( 1971) Lateral Thinking for Management, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
De Bono, Edward ( 1999) Simplicity, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
DeMarco, Tom ( 1997) The Deadline, New York: Dorset House Publishing.
Dickens, Charles ( 1994) Oliver Twist, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
Eberts, Jake and Ilott, Terry ( 1990) My Indecision is Final, London: Faber and Faber.
European Commission, O pinion of the Consumer Committee adopted on 8 December, 1998 on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy.
Fisher, Roger and Ury, William ( 1981) Getting to Yes, London: Hutchinson Business.
Gelb, Michael ( 1998) How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci, London: Thorsons.
* متوافر لدى مكتبة جرير تحت عنوان ” كتاب خريطة العقل”
** متوافر لدى مكتبة جرير تحت عنوان ” العادات السبع للناس الأكثر فعالية”