ثانيا: المراجع الأجنبية:
3 من أصل 3
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6- Goodwin, D. (1954). Notes on feral pigeons. Avic. Mag. 60: 190-213.
7- Goodwin, D. (1976). On some characters of Rock and feral pigeons. Pigeon Sci. Gen. Newsletter. 52: 9-14.
8- Goodwin, D. (1983b). Pigeons and doves of the world. Cornell University Press, Ithaaca, NY.
9- Hall, F.W.S. (1974). Pigeon Racing. 2nd edition, London WCIN 2FT.
10- Hedge, S.N. (1973). Coippcsition of pigeon milk and its effect on growth in chicks. Indian J. Exp. Biol 11: 238-239.
11- Levi, W.M. (1963). The Pigeon. Sumter, S.C., Levi Publ. Co., pp 1-667.
12- Levi, W.M. (1969). “The pigeon” Levi Publishing Inc. Sumter, S.C.
13- Miller, W.J. and F.H. Wagner (1955). Sexing mature Columbiformes by cloacal characters. Auck., 72: 279-