Noesitherapy means: “Healing by thinking,”



“Healing by thinking,” 
from the Greek NOESIS: (the “action of thinking”) and THERAPY: (“healing”).
‘Noesitherapy’ was the term coined by the Spanish surgeon
to name his humanistic school and system of work in the field of 



The science that studies the effects of thought in human life.But, what is the key of this marvelous therapy, which improves the possibilities to use the human capabilities positively?…The key is the creative power of thought,
with which the human brain is programmed.Each thought produces, according to Dr. Escudero’s experience,
a Harmonic Global Biological Response
from now on

which can be positive (PBR)
or negative (NBR)
according to the content of the thought that started it. The most important difference between them is 
The Negative Biological Response
with its origin in the increasing of adrenaline.

And the Positive Biological Response
produces a 
which produces important and positive changes in health 
and in human life, which is the antidote to the stress, the most important cause of diseases in our civilization.

The knowledge of these elemental natural reactions inside the
human body, and the correct training of people for living in a 
positive biological response, can improve the quality of life and
health and the possibility of living happier.

This knowledge will be the seed of a new Preventive Medicine.
Wen using these concepts in all medical specialties
all of them improve their results, and new horizons open up new hope.

When this knowledge is used in 
ordinary life, everything functions better:
study, work, sport, human relationships, specially
when LOVE is the main motivation in human behavior.





 Dr. Escudero’s last book
gave us information about his medical and surgical experience from the year 1972, in which he performed his first surgical intervention under psychoanalgesia on a patient with
hemorrhoidal thrombosis and varicose veins.This book explains the bases of 
It is edited in a bilingual edition: 
Spanish and English.
Recently it has been translated into GUJARATI, the most used language in India. 


As a complement of the book there are three audio tapes:
1 – “Learn to be relaxed. Know the creative power of your thoughts.”
2 – “Direct your own childbirth.”
3 – “Healing by thinking – Noesitherapy.”



Crystals obtained with “Learn to be relaxed”               and with “Direct your own childbirth”

Crystal obtained with “Healing by thinking”.

Click to listen to the beginning of this CD

Dr. Escudero’s music
Click to listen to the beginning of this CD


Thousands of surgical interventions, the major part of them varicose veins, were performed under a personal method to obtain psychoanalgesia 
(Volitive Psychoanalgesia -VPA)



In addition to varicose veins (al kinds of them, with or without ulcers, simple or complicated, including some of them considered by prestigious vascular surgeons as inoperable) we have performed other surgical interventions as:
-Periarterial Sympathectomies.
-Lumbar Sympathectomies.
-Umbilical hernias.
-Aesthetic surgery (Zetaplasty and dermoabrasion).
-Bow leg (Genu Varum) One of them filmed by the BBC for the series “Your life in their hands”.
-Manual extractions of the placenta.
-Inner versions.
The only limit for psychoanalgesia is the professional 
experience and training of the person practicing.

Lumbar sympathectomy under psychoanalgesia.



0% postoperative infections,without using antibiotics: This is the  Dr. Escudero’s most known positive experience, specially after the  documentary done by the BBC called “ANGEL”
for the series
“Your life in their hands” (1991). 



Applying Dr. Escudero’s surgical experience 
to Maternity, 
Maternofetal Psychoanalgesia

“Direct your own childbirth” In this picture we can see a happy mother receiving her daugther with the umbilical cord untied.
This audio tape teaches the woman how to control everything related with her maternity and to program her psychoanalgesia.Women learn, 
after only one training session,
during any month of their pregnancy, 
to control everything in relation to childbirth
and uterus dynamics, 
learning to obtain psychoanalgesia 
for their whole body. 
As a result, 
the possibility of natural childbearing increases and,
with it, the well-being of mothers and babies.  




Babies born under MFP 
(maternofetal psychoanalgesia) 
have a more positive and faster
psychomotor growth. Dr. Escudero says that they 
are the seed of new generations 
of freer and more intelligent beings, 
because the seed of fear was not sown in their souls 
at the moment of being born, as they were protected 
by the psychoanalgesia obtained by their mothers. 
Life is a continuous change 
and these children will not suffer when they choose 
their different paths in life. 
They will choose with more freedom and intelligence. 
The first noesibaby 
was born on Saint Valentine’s day 
(14th February 1973)