حسابات الأحمال الكهربائية في الوحدات السكنية
حسابأحمالالأجهزةالمتنوعةغسالةالصحونVA 1200
جهازVA 1500
Va 4500 w 4500
1200 + 1500 + 4500 = 7200
جدول 310.16 الخاص بتحديد حجم الكابل
1-Over 12 kW througb 27 kWranges all of same rating. for ranges individually rated moretban 12 kWbutDOt more dim 27 kW. the maximum demond in Column C shall be increased 5 eadIadditiooalkilowlltofratingor~rhctiontbereofbywbich die rating ofindividual ranges exceeds 12 kW.
2-Over 8% kW Ibrougb 27 kW ranges ofWlCqUl1 ratings. fortlllges individually rated more dim 8% kW and ofditrerenr ratings. but oooe exceeding 27 kW, mavcragevalueofrating shall beoompoted by adding togdher the ratings of oil raoges to obtain the total connected load (using 12 kW for my _ rated I_ tban 12 kW) and dividiog by the I01alntmtberofrmges Then the maximum demond in Column C shall be increased S J’C’I=I for each kilowaa or major tr””tioodlereofbywbich this avcrage value exceeds 12 kW. 3. Over 1% kW Ibrougb 8%kW.1n lieu ofthemedtodprovidcd in Column C. il shall be permissible to add the nameplate ratings of all bousdIOldoookingappllmoes rated more tban 1% kW but DOl more tban 8% kW and multiply die sum by the demand factora specified in Column A or B for the giveollUJJlber of appllmoes. Where die rating of oookingapplilDoes fall. underbodl Column A and Column B, the demand factors JilreadIoolumn shall be applied to the applllDoes for dial oolumn. and the results added togdher. 4. 8tIDcb-Cirtuil Load. It shall be permissible to oompule the brm:bcirtuit load mr one rIDge in accordance widl Table 220.19.