Inorganic Nano Coatings 4 From 4
This is beneficial because this self-cleaning property can be used to kill mold, mildew, and other harmful bacteria that are Present inside buildings.
Inorganic nano coatings can be used to actually clean the air inside of buildings making it a healthier environment for the people inside.
Keeping safety in mind, glow in the dark pigments can be included in inorganic coatings to increase light. These glowing pigments “charge” when exposed to any light source And emit that energy- once it becomes dark.
These greatly increase visibility in areas that are dimly lit once the sun goes down.
Additionally they can be used in emergency exit areas, such as stairwells during a fire, were light is needed even if there is an electrical Failure and have actually become required in Places such as New York City.
Using a glow in a dark pigment with inorganic coatings is the most durable way to create these markings ensuring that they will last through a long time.
Inorganic nano coatings are the future in the paints and coatings field. Technology has touched every aspect of the things we use on a daily basis and coatings are no different.
Paints that simply provide nice colors will become obsolete, paving the way for the new coating technologies That are now more than ever readily available.
The coated surface at the left stays clean at its natural state with NO external cleaning while moss grows on the un-coated surface.
Author’s Bio
Marilee Bal guru is President of Green Nano Finish LLC, a green product firm that manufactures high performance nano coatings.
He has a diverse background in Engineering and business, and is current working towards growing his company internationally to contribute to the green building ideals of sustainability and limited environmental impact.