Comments | Gmail Shortcuts | The Apps Show

Comments | Gmail Shortcuts | The Apps Show

Happy new year everyone! Jenny and Jimmy take us where no Apps Show has gone before…

OK, one step at a time, let’s first refresh our memories with some of the forgotten basics of Gmail and Google Drive. Whether you are new to this or a veteran of Google’s products, here are some powerful tips for Googlers Jenny and Jimmy to make your life at work much more productive and enjoyable.

Using Comments in Docs, Sheets, Slides is an absolute lifesaver when you start working collaboratively with a team.

To put together a report for example, or a presentation, you no longer need to send and keep track of endless email threads. Just add a Comment wherever you want in the document, your teammate will get an email alert and go directly where needed in the Doc.

Taking meeting notes and keeping track of action items has now become so much easier.

Our work lives revolve around emails, our inbox! And that can become a mess at work. Keyboard Shortcuts are a wonderful way to keep your Gmail inbox organized. To use them, you first need to enable Shortcuts in your Gmail settings. With Shortcuts, no mouse no problem.

Shortcuts are sometimes hard to remember. So Jenny uses a Chrome extension called Keyrocket for help and “wins the internet”…

Here is another cool tip to save time, save clicks and be super efficient: add unread emails as Tasks so you can get back to them later. Even add them to your Calendar and dedicate some time to get it all done.

See you next week 🙂