الفصل الثامن Some of the ideas in this chapter are covered

الفصل الثامن Some of the ideas in this chapter are covered

الفصل الثامن Some of the ideas in this chapter are covered
الفصل الثامن Some of the ideas in this chapter are covered

Some of the ideas in this chapter are covered at greater length in my article“Leadership and the Sacred”, Organization Studies (2010): 89–107.

  1. Bauman, Postmodern Ethics (Oxford: Blackwell, 1993).
  2. D. Chrislip and C. E. Larson, Collaborative Leadership: How Citizens and Civic Leaders Can Make a Difference (San Francisco: John Wiley, 1994).
  3. Collinson, “Questions of Distance”, Leadership, 1(2) (2005): 235–50.
  4. Collinson and S. Ackroyd, “Resistance, Misbehaviour and Dissent”, in The Oxford Handbook of Work and Organization, ed. S. Ackroyd, P.

Thompson, R. Batt, and P. Tolbert (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).

  1. Draft, The Deep Blue Sea (San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2001). E. E. Evans- Pritchard, The Nuer (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1940).
  2. K. Fletcher, “The Paradox of Post-Heroic Leadership: An Essay on Gender, Power and Transformational Change”, Human Relations, 15(5) (2004): 647–61.
  3. Foucault, Discipline and Punish (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991).
  4. Freeman, “The Tyranny of Structurelessness”, Berkeley Journal of Sociology, 17 (1970): 1972-3.
  5. Froese, The Plot to Kill God: Findings from the Soviet Experiment in Secularization (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008).
  6. Fromm, The Fear of Freedom (London: Routledge, 2001).
  7. Gemmil and J. Oakley, “Leadership: An Alienating Social Myth?”, in Leadership: Classical, Contemporary and Critical Approaches, ed. K. Grint (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997).
  8. Girard, Violence and the Sacred (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972).
  9. Gronn, The New Work of Educational Leaders (London: Sage, 2003).
  10. Harter, F. J. Ziolkowski, and S. Wyatt, “Leadership and Inequality”, Leadership, 2(3) (2006): 75–94.
  11. A. Heifetz and M. Linsky, Leadership on the Line (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002).
  12. Kristeva, “Logics of the Sacred and Revolt”, in After the Revolution: On Kristeva, ed. J. Lechte and M. Zournasi (Sydney: Artspace, 1998).
  13. Machiavelli, The Prince (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998).
  14. Nietzsche, The Gay Science (London: Random House, 1991).
  15. J. Polan, Lenin and the End of Politics (San Diego: University of California Press, 1984).
  16. Raelin, Creating Leaderful Organizations: How to Bring Out Leadership in Everyone (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2003).

Sartre, J.-P., Existentialism and Humanism (London: Methuen, 1973).

  1. S. Warner and K. Grint, “American-Indian Ways of Leading and Knowing”,

Leadership, 2(2) (2006): 225–44.

