Fair trade egypt
Fair trade egypt

Fair Trade Egypt has been a partner to ALEXBANK since 2016 with the main aim to support marginalized crafts artisans to have sustainable & enough income generated through their production>Fair Trade Egypt support the artisans by equipping them with the necessary skills and tools, in addition to creating new marketing and export channels and enhancing existing ones. The project included interventions and activities for capacity building, product development, technical assistance and provision of tools and development. There are almost 1000 artisans clustered in 12 artisan groups in five different governorates as follows: Beheira, Fayoum, Qena, Asyut, and Red Sea. The project aims to fulfill the potential demand of handicrafts and promote these crafts locally & internationally and expand export of Egyptian quality handicrafts mostly produced by women, by conducting a comprehensive research on the foreign markets to pragmatically increase opportunities of exports favoring an increase of sales for Egyptian crafts to existing and new importer of crafts from Egypt.

“Fair Trade Egypt decided to be partner with ALEXBANK’s initiative “Ebda3 men Masr” as we together aim to promote and generate income to artisans crafting Egyptian handicrafts and authentic traditional art work that is long inherited and preserved among generations. Giving special focus on those cultural crafts located in remote and handmade by marginalized communities of Egypt…”

Mona El-Sayed



