جماعة المهندسين الاستشاريين ECG

جماعة المهندسين الاستشاريين ECG

جماعة المهندسين الاستشاريين ECG

Engineering Consultants Group S.A.
Cairo International Airport
Terminal Building 2 , Egypt
The project site is bounded by the Cargo City to the east; Terminal
Building 2 & Terminal Building 3 Access Road to the west; Terminal
Building 2 Access Road and a multistory car park to the north; and airside
taxiway “Oscar” to the south.
With a built-up area of 228,000 nr, the project involved .   xtensive
renovations to the existing terminal, as well as a major upgrade and
extension of airside and landside pavements, with a pavement area
exceeding 300,000 nr.
Sized in line with Level of Service B of the International Air Transport
Association (IATA), the terminal building has a design peak hour capacity
of 3,150 international passengers (two ways).
The program involved a range of construction activities as follows; airside
external works; Landside external works; asphalt roads; and a parking lot
extending over a total area of approximately 16,000 m2.
ECGs scope of work covered master-planning, infrastructure design,
conceptual design, detailed design, tender documents, tender action,
construction management, and construction supervision .
