روح المدينة مركز سيجونغ للفنون 2من اصل3
There is Main entrance at the end of the passage between two theaters and
visitors have open view to the central park. After entering into the ASC,
visitors arrive Grand hall in- between halls of two theaters, which is
connected with outdoor space through en- trance and parking space on B1
level. Grand hall, Grand step and Hall of Main theater are public space for
citizens holding small event even though there is on performance.
A three dimensional wall design gives best quality for sound and aesthetic.
Specially, an amplified case, which needs large power speaker, that acoustic
drapery and acoustic trap control reflected sound. Also lighting fixture and
many type of equipments hidden inside of wall to make beauty and tidy.
The space where is connecting theatre to waterside going to be meaningful
place for Sejong city. This place will be very last place for public square
and cinema to move through history park and public space. This journey is
for everyone who comes to visit to sejong art centre.
The grand hall and two theaters are facing to the central park and there is
open space of magnificent energy people can feel. It is originated from the
nature (Central Park, Geum – gang (river) and Guewha-san (mountain)), and
transforms into performing arts when it meets the urban.
صممت شركة DMP Partners اقتراحها الفائز في مسابقة مركز سيجونج للفنون (SAC)
ويتكون هذا المبني من مسرحين، المسرح الرئيسي : يتسع لأكثر من 800 مقعداً ، المسرح
المتوسط : يتسع ل 300 مقعداً ودور عرض تتسع ل 250 معقداً ، ومعرض فني . يقع المبني في
منطقة ثقافية عالمية بين الطبيعة الخلابة والأماكن الحضرية حيث الأشكال المتوازية لخطوط
المدينة، يتم تطبيق هذا النموذج وفقاً لطبيعة المدينة وأشكالها المنحنية مما يخلق شعور بالراحة .