بين الأرض والسماء مسجد بريشتينا المركزي 1من اصل5

بين الأرض والسماء مسجد بريشتينا المركزي 1من اصل5

بين الأرض والسماء مسجد بريشتينا المركزي 1من اصل5

بين الأرض والسماء مسجد بريشتينا المركزي 1من اصل5
Architect: tarh o amayesh  
Location: prishtina
Fundamental principal Of Plan comes from definition of Mosque which is a
place for praying and going from body to soul. The prayer is someone who
connects the earth to the sky. The mosque is a space for be becoming.
Becoming is a symbol of movement and movement is the source of
mosque (the house of god). This plan is shaped in this framework. Mosque
is a symbol of ascending sprit from soil to the sky, from city to the
The words such as direction, plaza, water, function and plan, shape, beauty
fullness and sustainability create this architectural text. The way of
composing these elements and creating a space due to this architectural
concept produces a complicated space and full of findings and changes.
This project is located in urban area with natural topography. The level of
this project in south is 7 meters higher from its north. This urban location
gives the proj ect an identity to connect different levels of the city. In
proposed plan directions 5 nape the project from inside and outside. From
outside it determines the way of cars, pedestrians access to the project and
t entrances and from inside it shows the penetration of project fors
connecting dif ferent parts of the city around it. The main entrance of the
project from urban plaza is located in south and Alley beside this
oassing   through the Project which is shap – ng related activities of Mosque
around it to create vibration in the project.
The Middle path started from entrance   urban plaza of the project and by
passing through it and opening to level
