Shoulah Classics 1من اصل2

Shoulah Classics 1من اصل2

Decorations\Shoulah Classics1من اصل2

Abdou   Shoulah   Is  on of the veterans of wood and furniture production
industry in Egypt. is one of the veterans of wood and furniture   production
industry in Egypt from his tong-life   experience that spans over 30 years
since he   founded Shoulah Classics in 1985. Classics rose   to become the top
player in Egyptian furniture   export by embracing craftsmanship and
great  classical design. Wood is a living matter that   needs the skilled hands of
a master craftsman   to bring it back to life. But such a craftsman is   a master
with vision and stories to tell, hence   Shoulah believes that even with
Classical   Furniture where a strong set of traditions and   rules govern the
styles, there is always room for   innovation and self-expression, and hence
their  emphasis on design and creative input.
With yea{s of experience and market analysis and deep understanding the
Shoulah Classics expanded to a Group by adding in Richie Furniture which
is launched lately in last Furnex 2017. Richie is the brainchild of the top
furniture exporter in Egypt, not just that one of the most renowned names
in the furniture industry worldwide. Shoulah Furniture Group is a prime
example of Egyptian progress and entrepreneurship. Richie was established
for one reason only, to deliver that same global quality; design and
customer service our international clients receive to the Egyptian local
market, through a premium location and   a premium furniture and lifestyle
Richie is well developed from 3 decades of experience with design,
craftsmanship and export. We believe that delivering a complete package
can be affordable and suitable to the Egyptian market, and we believe in
our abilities to create a better local product than our foreign competitors.