Decorations\RELEGATION1من اصل3

Hamdy al Setouhy
As we walk through our streets, touching our modern architecture, and also
recalling the memory of history be penetrating the depths of the walls of
some buildings that have been associated with time has passed. We will find
ourselves facing the problem is neither only new or relates to all aspects of
life has been, and subjected to many attempt of treatment theoretically and
practically, which some terms, such as originally and modernity, until it has
the emergence of new dangerous terms such as reconstruction, first of all,
let’s ask ourselves some important questions, first , reconstruction of what?
And how? Second, will the reconstruction of a new model of an
architectural product be our future heritage..!!
Indeed, identity is intangible, while culture is its expression; heritage or
architectural heritage, un particular, is its material product and its witness to
the civilization that was at the time of its creation, civilization is not the
impact but it is the witness to it, and what is now being produced us the
witness to today’s civilization, which will be a future heritage.
Consequently, is this product worthy of being our heritage and a witness to
our civilization?
As a result, we can figure out that all the above is just an attempt to relegate
us within our states, in order to live in an expatriation away from the true of
our identity, progressively, we find ourselves live in a kind of architecture
and culture which don’t represent our identity, and then we abandon
willingly our heritage, which was, once, the product of our culture, the most
dangerous is to help and acquiesce easily to the demolition plans for all our
values in an astonishing manner.