PIACENTINI T New 1من اصل6
Era & Reincarnation (Migration and recycling of
archtitecturalpatterns and their path of an e transformation)
Dr. / Ahmed Mito Professor of architecture and design Ain
Shams University President of the Egyptian Academy of Art in
I will start our discussion with these suffi’s quotes: A little fish
was told that without water it could not live, and it became
very afraid… it swam to its mother and, trembling, told her
about the need for water … the mother said:”Water , my
darling, is what we’re swimming in”Rumi 1303-04 GOD says:
“1 Created the whole universe for you … and you for myself”
Hadith Qudsi The Pattern… The dictionary offers various
definition of Pattern”: an arrangement of repeated or
corresponding parts a style, decorative design a standard
way of moving or acting a model worthy of imitation
representative sample, would be an (ecosystem as settle.
ment pattern) Patterns are all around us, we observe them yet
create them do well… Of ten we gain our aesthetic pleasure
from associating patterns with meanings They are evident at a
very wide range of scales from the molecular structure of
DNA, at the microscopic level, to the spirals of galaxies in the
universe. American architect Louis Sulivan famously said”
Form follows function … now and is a recycled way “Pattern
follows process” and vice versa. In the journey of seeking
Ordered Chaos by the analysis of surroundings seeking order
from Chaos Evolution of Euclidian geometry (3dimensional) to
spherical geometry to affine geometry. Finally, topological
geometry indicates this maturity of seeking pattern.
Scientistsidentify some basic patterns in nature differing due
to degree of similarity and due to genetic code and the laws
of physics or chemistry… Those basic patterns were: Spirals,
Meanders, Branches, Explosions. They are used to Describe: