The master plans of the occupation authorities are “master plans” aimed at
cutting off the Arab land and depriving Palestinians of any contact. Where
the policy of cutting the architectural settlement in the creation of
Palestinian ” Bantustans “, is like a racist isolation surrounded by bypass
roads subject to the occupier.
The actions taken by the Israeli authorities are considered the most
important threat factors and destruction of archaeological sites in Al-Quds,
and the construction of the separation wall has caused the destruction and
isolation of a large number of these sites. That the ongoing urban activities
are another reason for the disappearance of many archaeological sites, in
addition to the large damage caused by the illegal excavations by the thieves
of the monuments, the main purpose of these tunnels is the establishment
of “Jewish touristic city” suggests to visitors that this city is Jewish heritage
and nature, Under the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
As for the international side of the heritage city, the legal texts of
international treaties form the basis of a just and definitive solution to the
city. The provisions of the decisions of the World Heritage Conference
constitute the legal basis for the protection of thearchitectural output,
without favoring any of the conflicting parties. This is confirmed by
UNESCO organization conferences, which are entrusted with the
responsibility of protecting the cultural heritage of the international
community as a whole.
It is one of the tasks of the international community institutions to preserve
the cultural heritage in time of peace and war. It gives the right to every
member of the international community and even the duty to work for it.