New as a way of arbitration methods have been specifically for arbitration
this competition for more transparency has been Arbitration audience of
experts the distribution of forms containing codes of projects to include the
scores after listening to the explanation for ten minutes from the head of
each team and the presentation of the project on the screens then collected
those results were counted by members of the jury in order to add to the
results directly ahead of the announcement of the results.
The results were announced and the awards Architect Hamdi   Alstouhy start
talking before the announcement about the mechanics of project evaluation
and the
method of arbitration and he talked about the principles of transparency
that characterized the mechanism, which included the involvement of the
public itself in the arbitration process a certain percentage at the same time,
projects were judged based on the codes have been developed by
participants themselves so that the names of the winners did not even know
the date of the announcement and the awards will now
Egyptian engineers and Dr. Laila   Iskan   dar, Minister of Urban
Development an slums and deputy Sheikh Al-Azhar and group of members
of the Architecture Division of the union and a large numbe Of Journalists
and newspaper reporters and satellite channels –