I Look Up” Film Challenge

I Look Up” Film Challenge


The American Institute of Architects has launched the second annual I
Look Up Film Challenge, which invites architects to produce short
documentaries about the impact of architecture. The 2016 Challenge
kicked off with a short film on Auburn University’s design-build program
known as Rural Studio. The documentary shows how the small town of
Newbern, Alabama has been impacted through the program’s design and
construction of a new library and fire station. Through a series of short
interviews, the film shows the team’s design process from early schematic
design discussions through the end of construction. The deadline for
registration for this year’s contest is July 10, and submissions are due by
August 14 with winners being announced in September. Winners will be
awarded a cash prize and have their films shown at the Architecture &
Design Film Festival in New York and Los Angeles and the Conference
2016 FUZED 17
Explosive Ideas
