The Arab Contractors 1من اصل3

The Arab Contractors 1من اصل3

NEWS\The Arab Contractors 1من اصل3

Osman Ahmed Osman & Co
Eng. Mohsen   Salah
The oldest Construction Company in ME The Arab Contractors…
60 years of experience and excellence
The Arab Contractors (AC) is one of the largest and oldest construction
companies in the Middle East (ME) and Africa, which dates back more
than 50 years. AC has always sought to achieve development.
Accordingly, it integrates between excellence and long-period experience
shared from a generation to another as a result of the company’s approach
of development and the use of state-of-the-art technology and building
AC activities are not only confined to the construction Industry of public
buildings, bridges, roads, tunnels, airports, water & sewage projects,
wastewater treatment plants, power stations, dams, hospitals and sports
buildings, but also the specialized and integrated construction activities such
as the restoration of monuments, irrigation, producing ready-mix concrete,
shipbuilding, electromechanical projects, engineering consultancy,
manufacturing and assembly of steel structures (finishing, wood working,
plumbing and electricity),…etc.
Efforts are brought together among AC teamwork; whether leaders or all
workers, whose number is 72,000 of the best Egyptian employees,
characterized by efficiency and effectiveness, working in collaboration with
our customers, partners, and suppliers in more than 29 countries. Such
teamwork members aim at reaching the highest and best rates of
performance through following up different training centers in Egypt and
Eng. Osman Ahmed Osman, the Arab Contractors (AC) founder, had a
clear-sight vision. Thanks to his foresight, he was able to comprehend the
capabilities of the Egyptian workforce. Consequently; Egyptian contractors
were able to contribute in many fields including bridges. For example, his
drastic, yet planned, decision to construct bridges by Egyptians was a
successful attempt to break the monopoly of foreign contractors in this
technical challenging engineering specialty.