The Jury arrived at a unanimous decision which is described in this report

The Jury arrived at a unanimous decision which is described in this report.


The Jury’s comments are grouped into three parts:
Reflections on the brief that the projects were responding to;   The winning
projects; and   Honorable mentions.
Design Parameters of Science City:
The design ideas in the submitted projects were asked to respond to a number of
complex parameters:
The project should be suitable to implementation in phases, in a series of steps in
which the completed part (or building in the case of several buildings) should be
usable for the public when it is completed, but conceived in such a way that the
entire complex, when completed, produces an effect where the whole is more
than the sum of the parts. It is expected that the project should allow for
implementation in three phases of about 20 –  
 40,000 sq.m.   each.
The complex should become a landmark for 6th of October City and celebrate
the rebirth of science in 21 st century Egypt.
The building(s) should themselves be “green building” where the building itself is
an exhibit that demonstrates how environmental concerns can be integrated in the
design and not be considered an add-on to a conventional building.
The building(s) should be flexible in their internal use, adaptable to the new and
rapidly evolving technologies of interactive displays and learning environments,
both virtual and real, as well as allowing for interaction between the public and the