People were transformed into tools of production and slaves of consumption; they

People were transformed into tools of production and slaves of consumption; they


cannot stop for a single moment to catch their breath or slow down to see the big
picture, otherwise the speeding train of neo-liberalism would run them over and they
would end up crushed under the stampede of zombies unconsciously gasping for
Humanity is now living in misery on every level, either longing for a carrot under
systems that pretend to be democratically fair, or escaping from the heavy stick of
shameless authoritarian systems. Such misery is not limited to individuals, but was also
extended to nations under the umbrella of «globalization”, a simple term that reflects
exporting the same neo-liberalistic plan to the rest of the world with the help of the
telecom age, that has transformed this world into the size of a small village. The final
target is obvious, the standardization of systems and tools to allow the “masters” to
globally govern forever. The western countries that are using the carrot to fool their
people do not hesitate to also use their heavy stick with the countries that refuse to
surrender or try to escape this global conspiracy. Any follower of international affairs
could easily see that western double standards are neglected when outcome is on its
favor and only used to impose what serves its interests; and the western military force
is present to discipline whoever seeks independence or swimming against the tide. It is
always under bright and noble justifications that only reflect the malice of those who
impose their interests through blood and destruction. What happened to miserable
countries like Iraq,