i includes a courtyard that has a washing fountain in the center.t
Each of the two sections has two opposite doors, so the mosque has four
doors. You can get to the courtyard through the eastern door. The
courtyard is a spacious place that is extended on 54*53 meters. It has a
container below it, and it is surrounded by 4 corridors that have marble
pillars that carry small decorated domes covered with graphite bars
In the middle of the courtyard, one can see a washing basin that was
established in 1263 Hijri/1844. It has wooden fender established on eight
marble pillars. The inside of this dome is decorated by colorful natural
sceneries that takes over the western arts.
There’s a dome inside that dome that has a marble crescent. It has tangible
embossed ornaments that represent grapevines. It also has colorful
ornaments on which there are Persian writings by the Persian writer
Sankalakh. These writings ae nothing but Quran verses for washing
(wudoo). They date back to 1263 Hijri/1844
The western corridor is centered by a copper and colorful glass tower that
has a knocker clock that was gifted to Mohamed Ali Pasha by the King of
France Louise Philippe in 1845
The eastern section is made specially for prayng . Thus, it takes the shape
of a square. The side of the square is 41 meters.