We constantly introduce a new collection every year. We normally launch   some of it

We constantly introduce a new collection every year. We normally launch   some of it

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for the first time in Cersaie Exhibition in Bologna, Italy. Then, we launch the complete
collection in ICS exhibition in Cairo, Egypt. The new collection is made available for
end consumers, afterwards, in Mozdan’s showroom in addition to the biggest dealers
like Sallab and Mazloum.
We also export to different countries in the region, Europe and Asia and constantly do
our best to expand our export network by being available in new countries. I would like
to take this opportunity to announce that, a month ago we have contracted a dealer in
Russia and we have an aggressive plan to expand more in Africa and Europe.
“You are the designer” is a very strong campaign, what is the idea behind this
We can answer this question by saying that this marketing campaign “you are the
designer” is an idea presented to consumers where, through our numerous trendy
models, they can mix and match as much as they feel proper and suitable to address
their specific needs and form their own appropriate result fitting their requirements.
As you mentioned, Gloria considered ICS exhibition appropriate to launch the new
collection so what’s new in 2017 collection presented by Gloria?
We always have new ideas in ICS exhibition every year. Through the research that we
have done and conducted in the international exhibitions, we have found that the subject
of décor tiles is striking and it has become a global trend. This year we focus on this
subject even though it needs very expensive raw materials. We also have a variety of
these materials including the gold and silver.
