Examples of Recent Executed and Under Execution Important

Examples of Recent Executed and Under Execution Important

NEWS\Examples of Recent Executed and Under Execution Important Projects1من اصل2

Projects 1من   اصل2  
• The company is working in the Republic of Sudan since 13 years ,
currently they are executing two major road projects there,
Nasr General Contracting Co. (Hassan M. Allam ) headquarters is located in
Abbasya , Cairo. FUZED magazine has an interview with Major General
Eng. Abdullah Khairy, Chairman and Managing Director, who shed light on
the company’s distinguished past history, current significant role in the
construction field, objectives and ambitious restructuring plans.
the first extends 145 km and connects Gedaref town which falls at 450 km
to the south east of Khartoum the capital till Samsam & Um El Khairnear
the Ethiopian Border, the second is 180 km long connecting Toker ,south
of Port Sudan till Garoranear the border with Eretria .
In Egypt ,major state employers having confidence on NGCC capabilities
and commitment have prompted them to award the company many
important and urgent national mega projects like :
*Sharq El tafria Port, east to Port Said.
* Upper Egypt Red Sea road, 416 km long linking upper Egypt
Governorates Assiut , Sohag and Qena to Red Sea.
* Improvement of Abu Ghazala Bridge, East Cairo. Amid the tough
cometition of tenders launnched by the government bodies ,NGCC
succeeded to win and execute many important projects , examples of these
projects – but not limited to – are:
*Fouah   FlyoverNile Bridge.  
* New Passenger Terminal Building of Assiut International Airport.
International Airport.  
