Designed by Madad Consultant Engineers- Hussein Said Assaad
Location: New Cairo, Egypt
To establish a high standard school that graduates physically, mentally, and spiritually
well-prepared individuals.
Development Mechanisms:
To approach the main target, it is crucial to meet the following:
Mental needs: Through learning spaces that allow a high level of interaction and
encourage knowledge, innovation, discussion, and meditation.
Physical needs: Providing playgrounds and sports facilities that match the international
standards: age and sex separation, space organization, active and quiet zones, lighting
efficiency, suitable furniture, and healthcare. Spiritual needs: Hosting activities that
encourage noble values, strengthen faith, and spread joy and satisfaction.
Design Philosophy and Paradigm
The main concept is based on the idea of evolution and growth. Accordingly, ever part
in the school represents a phase of the   Evolutionary process. The starting point is
kindergarten till it reaches the end at high school. This hierarchy does not only appear
on the level of building distribution, it is also appears in class areas, height,
playgrounds, and openings.
Also we considered using local materials in a way that reacts to the formation and
visualization of all elements, for example we identified curves with red color and small
rough pieces of stone while strait surfaces are identified with sandy color and smooth
large stone cladding, in addition we applied wooden handrails designed with modern
ornaments that protects children from falling.
International Academy