Main section

Main section


The section cut shows the horlzonial journey through the city where its entrance leads
to the orientation and information hall that can be accessed by ramps. Then it is greeted
by an open air area in the centre which leads to the exhibition halls or science park,
before reaching its peak at the observatory tower. Overall, the play on different volumes
and the undulating folds on its surface gives each space a sense of character users
experience the piercing light rays in a space.
Main entrance The splendour of two wavelike shells, intersecting at the very center,
rising high from the ground. Makes its mark as a main entrance of the undulating sand
dune architecture. A huge opening to the shell provokes a sense of   continuity to the two
forms coming   together as one, while creating an entrance to the building.
Pedestrian bridges create an elevated   pathway, linking both parts of the intersecting
dune form. Apart from an   overpass to the underground, the bridges connect architecture
to narure; interior to   eaterior. Transportation systems are networked beneath the
bridges with tram   tracs connecting the phases as a whole.
Science park
The undulating sand dune fans gives shape to the roof of the building, covered w ith
clusters of landscape in the midst of sandy grains. Blending in wuth its desert silhoutte,
thesoft dune landscape enables recreational interactive activities with its outdorr
exhibitsof flora. A pathway runs through the roof, along all three phases displaying
different elements of the natural egyptian landscapes.