ACC من اصل5 5

ACC من اصل5 5

NEWS\ACC 5من اصل5

where the economic index is based upon the real estate field. If this field
grows, in such countries, then all sectors witness growth and development.
In Egypt, it has been evidenced, for all local or foreign investors, that the
real estate investment is the safest type of investments in the Middle East
due to its stability and having several participants whether on part of the
investors or consumers.
Q: What is your vision about offering national projects to support youths?
A: The government has taken good initiatives in this regard and we hope it
will continue in adopting such as strategy, such as One- Million Housing
Unit Project and similar projects. However, it would be supposed if we
would have ambition in terms of our capabilities; i.e. to start with one
hundred thousand units and implement them, then we accomplish others
and so on.
Q: You have partaken in some national committees, could you provide us
with detailed information about such participation?
A: I chaired the committee of development projects for architectural
environment with the architectural and constructional character of Greater
Cairo (Garden City and Maadi districts). I was also the rapporteur of
General Committee for promoting professors and assistant professors
nationwide during the period from 1998 to 2001 and the Promotion
Committee of assistant professors from 1980 until 1990. Moreover, I
chaired the Arbitration Committees of Culture Ministry’s competitions and
supervised hundreds of theses of master’s degree and PhD at Cairo
University and An Shams University, in addition to being a member of
consulting committees of several governmental projects. I was also a
member of some international organizations, such as the American Institute
of Architects (AIA), Rotary International (Cairo branch) and the
International Geographical Association, in addition to being a board member
of International House (I.H)-New York, Chicago and Tokyo.