ACC من اصل5 4

ACC من اصل5 4

NEWS\ACC 4من اصل5

international attention, positive participation and strong support by the Arab
countries. We hope that the Conference will be a good starting point for the
Egyptian economy.
Q: Egypt has witnessed bad period and suffered a stumbling block leading
to having negative effects on all fields; including contracting and real estate
markets, So, how do you assess the current situation?
A: I think the Egyptian Revolution and its consequential changes and
developments in the arena are positive matters and inevitable corrective
steps. If we review the history of revolutions worldwide, we will find out
that all revolutions are followed by instability period, whether short or long.
Such periods are necessary and may take dozens of years, but in Egypt we
have not consume such long period to rearrange our conditions within a
short period.
Q: What is your vision about the mechanisms for developing architecture
and real estate investment in Egypt?
A: Architecture in Egypt makes significant progress; as it has abandoned the
effects of simple abstract architecture, which lasted for years as a result of
Russian and socialism architecture in general. If we take a look at old
buildings in Cairo and Alexandria, we will find out they match the most
beautiful buildings in all capitals worldwide. Nevertheless, during the
socialism period, the buildings lacked aesthetic aspects, while attention was
only paid to cutting costs on the economic level. This period has done harm
to architecture level, but now we get rid of this problem and start focusing
on the shape, surrounding environment and aesthetic aspects in the new
urban communities.
As for the real estate, it is the main index of economy in Egypt and most
countries, such as the case with the Gulf,