ZIZINIA 2من اصل2
noise wind turbines could be added in the green tunnels to take advantage of the windy
location for additional power generation and to recharge electric cars. The housing is
intend ed to match passive.-Flouse standards.
The double skin facade A parametric facade collector and connector which has a
historical and metaphorical impact, is affording green representation as well using
louvers and ter races and responding to the sustainable need. Often urban collectors like,
water stream line channel cascading through the different lay out platforms, the
promenade loop tying the whole housing complex, bicycling path in the back non
intersecting with cars, all are strengthening the closed social community fabric. Using
the aluminum cladding material vs. the stone and concrete is illustrating the paradox, or
the dialogue of old to new in the title of (Future city).
In collaboration with Land Consult.