Arab World and the difference of views. So, will the start be by the education,
construction of man and entities which are capable of bearing the future
responsibility or by convolution through positional systems which calculate the
movement, which the transformation doesn’t accept, and the facing is a need like
taking into consideration the work whatever the price, and it is the period in which we
are living actually since 2011 in all fields such as architecture, construction and the
future civilization dream which require that we accept all discussed ideas and initiatives
without decisions, and so understand that what the period needs is the establishment of
civilization, then the civilization construction period.
Whereas the are faces a period of transformation establishment, and it is a historical
opportunity to return the concepts formulation, it happened a discussion on all level
such as though and youth enabled cases (Alpher Wlaker ), the production of dialogue in
the scientific research democracy, theories completion, decision transparency, taking
into account of all gifts of science and scientists such as mechanism, creations and
achievements to realize the permanency methods and the honest and true future. And
between Disbelief: (hit-and-run) cases which want to minimize all goings “right is to be
avoid” by the determined view and expiation of society and science, and the return to
dialogue and discussion does not allow for a space to be, all of what is different with
the determined and limited view will be exported, without understanding of the fixed
sharia, and jurisprudence is changeable and accepts all the century news such as the
science, data and customs for the permanency of life. There are multiple examples such
as the longevity and architecture permanency,