Baby chick



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    – Newly hatched chick before it has been fed or watered.

  • Bacteria- Microscopic single-celled plants that may or may not produce disease. Singular Bacterium.
  • Bactericide- Substance that kills bacteria.
  • Bactericide- Substance that kills bacteria.
  • Bacterin- A vaccine produced from bacteria or other products.
  • Bacteripstat- Substance that inhibits or retards bacterial growth.
  • Ballooning-0 Distension of the intestine or ceca due to accumulated blood, mucus or other materials.
  • Benign- Not likely to recur or spread.
  • Bantam- A small miniature chicken, usually one-fourth to one-fifth the size of regular chickens; frequently called “bantie’ or “banty’. Most, but not all, bantams are the likeness of a larger variety of domestic chickens.
  • Bantam standard- Book published by the American bantum Association describing each of the bantum breeds recognized by that organization.
  • Bantie- another (Affectionate) name for Bantum.
  • Banty- another (Affectionate) name for Bantum.
  • Barn- another (Affectionate) name for Barnyard chicken.
  • Barnyard chicken- A chicken of mixed breed.
  • Beak- The birdsbillp; the hard protruding mouth part of a bird consisting of an upper part and a lower part; upper and lower mandibles.
  • Bean- Hard protuberance on the upper mandible of waterfowl.
  • Bread- the feathers bunched under the beaks of such breeds as Antwerp Belgian, Faverolle, and Houdan, always found in association with (muffs).