War Rock

War Rock

War rock
War rock

War Rock. It’s a modern military-themed online first-person shooter in the same vein as the Counterstrike of Battlefield game series. You pick a faction to fight for, choose the type of soldier you’d like to play, and enter the fray, competing alongside and against real people from around the world. Depending on the side and the calss of soldier you pick, you’ll be outfitted with different weapons and equipment. The game features character classes such as riflemen, snipers, medics, and anti-tank soldiers. If you’re a team-first type of player, you’ll want to pick the soldier class that best suits the needs of your squad. Each map contains several control points, and the more of these points your team seized, the better your chances of winning the round. If the players on your side don’t quite have the skills of your opponents, don’t worry; each map has an assortment of military vehicles (tanks, armored personnel carriers, Humees, and the like) scattered about that can greatly level the playing field.

