حسابات الأحمال الكهربائية في الوحدات السكنية

حسابات الأحمال الكهربائية في الوحدات السكنية

حسابات الأحمال الكهربائية في الوحدات السكنية 6من اصل8
حسابات الأحمال الكهربائية في الوحدات السكنية 6من اصل8


حسابأحمالالأجهزةالمتنوعةغسالةالصحونVA 1200

جهازVA 1500



Va 4500   w 4500

1200 + 1500 + 4500 = 7200

جدول 310.16  الخاص بتحديد حجم الكابل

1-Over 12 kW througb 27 kWranges all of same rating. for ranges individually rated moretban 12 kWbutDOt more dim 27 kW. the maximum demond in Column C shall be increased 5 eadIadditiooalkilowlltofratingor~rhctiontbereofbywbich die rating ofindividual ranges exceeds 12 kW.

2-Over 8% kW Ibrougb 27 kW ranges ofWlCqUl1 ratings. fortlllges individually rated more dim 8% kW and ofditrerenr ratings. but oooe exceeding 27 kW, mavcragevalueofrating shall beoompoted by adding togdher the ratings of oil raoges to obtain the total connected load (using 12 kW for my _ rated I_ tban 12 kW) and dividiog by the I01alntmtberofrmges Then the maximum demond in Column C shall be increased S J’C’I=I for each kilowaa or major tr””tioodlereofbywbich this avcrage value exceeds 12 kW. 3. Over 1% kW Ibrougb 8%kW.1n lieu ofthemedtodprovidcd in Column C. il shall be permissible to add the nameplate ratings of all bousdIOldoookingappllmoes rated more tban 1% kW but DOl more tban 8% kW and multiply die sum by the demand factora specified in Column A or B for the giveollUJJlber of appllmoes. Where die rating of oookingapplilDoes fall. underbodl Column A and Column B, the demand factors JilreadIoolumn shall be applied to the applllDoes for dial oolumn. and the results added togdher. 4. 8tIDcb-Cirtuil Load. It shall be permissible to oompule the brm:bcirtuit load mr one rIDge in accordance widl Table 220.19.
