Ampicillin Trihydrate 20% (WSP)


Ampicillin trihydrate 20
Ampicillin trihydrate 20

Composition: Each 100 gm contains: Ampicillin trihydrate 20 gm

Indications: Calves:-Calf scours and pneumonia – Lambs:- Contagious foot rot Foals:- Enteritis and septicaemia Dogs,Cats:-Secondary infection associated with respiratory viruses. Enteritis and ear infections

Dosage: -Calves Jamb and Foals:10–15 mg./ kg. ( 50-75 mg. powder /kg. B.Wt.) twice daily dissolved and given in milk replacer ,-Dogs and cats :10—20 mg / kg.. ( 50-100 mg. powder /kg B.Wt..) Twice daily given on empty stomach

Packaging: Plastic jar of 500 gm & 1 kg.

Producer / Agent: El Nile