Chlortetracycune 20
Chlortetracycune 20

Composition: Each 100g contains: Chlortetracycline HCL 20gm

Indications: Mycoplasmosis (C.R.D), fowl cholera,coryza in chicken, enteric infections, sinusitis in poultry, hexametiasis and for protection of animals during stress.

Dosage: Chicken & Rabbits: 1gm /1 lit drinking water for 3 -5 days.Lambs & Calves:6 – 12 gm / 50 kg B.wt. daily for 3 – 5 days. Cattle, Sheep, Goats & Pigs: 5 -10 gm /100 kg B.wt. daily for 3 – 5 days. Preferably be given in twice equally divided doses at 12 hours interval

Packaging: 100 gm- one kg

Producer / Agent: Adwia