Oxytetracycline 24
Oxytetracycline 24

Composition: Each 100 ml contains: Oxytetracycline base 20 gm.

Indications: Cattle, Camels, Sheep & Goats: Pneumonia. Pasteurellosis .Calf diphtheria. Foot rot, Navel / Joint ill.Post-operative and post parturient infections. Actinobacillosis.

Abscesses and wound infections. Acute anaplasmosis. Mastitis. Metritis. Poultry & Rabbits: Fowel cholera in layers. Complicated CRD in broilers. Respiratory diseases and septicaemia in rabbits.

Dosage: Cattle, Camels, Sheep & Goats (By deep l/M inj.): 1ml /10 kg B.Wt. Poultry & Rabbits:(By S/C inj.): 0.25 ml / kg B.Wt.

Packaging: 10, 30, 50, 100, 200, 250 &500 ml

Producer / Agent: Arabcomed


