Streptomvdn sulphate
Streptomvdn sulphate

Composition: Each 100 gm contains: Streptomycin Sulphate 100 gm

Indications: Poultry, Calves & Lambs:Forthe treatment of gram-ve ( E- coli, Salmonella Klebsiella and Proteus). It can be used generally for enteric infections and control of diarrhea.

Dosage: Poultry:20-10 mg /1 kg B.wt. for 3-5 days dissolved in drinking water (10 – 20 gm / 100 lit of drinking water).Calves & Lambs:7.5- 12.5 mg /1 kg B.wt. in drinking water twice daily for 3 – 5 days.

Packaging: 100 gm- 250 gm – one kg

Producer / Agent: Adwia