STROPEN-JECT. (Powder For Injection)


Composition: Each vial contains:Penicillin G procaine 1200000 I.U.Penicillin G sodium 400000 I.U. Streptomycin sulphate 2 gm

Indications: For respiratory , urinary, alimentary tract infections , metritis, mastitis, peritonitis, septicaemia , cystitis, joint ill and secondary bacterial infections in cattle, calves, sheep, goats , horses, pigs , dogs & cats.

Dosage: Cattle, calves, sheep, goats , horses, pigs, dogs & cats:-For intramuscular administration. Mix vial with 10 ml distilled water and inject one ml / 20 kg B.wt. ( Vial /200kg B.wt.) for 3 – 4 days.

Packaging: vial 20 ml

Producer / Agent: Arfwia