veternary drug master

Veternary drug mast16
Veternary drug mast16


CO-TRIMAZINE (Suspension)

Composition: Each 100 ml contains: Trimethoprim 8 gm Sulphadiazine 40 gm Indications: It is effective againt most gram + ve & gram-ve microorganisms including E.coli, klebsiella spp., shigella, pasteurella spp, salmonella spp., and staphylococcus spp.Forthe treatment and prevention of scour, acute salmonellosis and bacterial pneumonia in calves, lambs kids, foals and pigs.

Dosage: Poultry: 1 ml / 5 lit of drinking water for 5 days. Medicated water should be used as a sole source of drinking. Calves, Lambs, Kids, Foals & Pigs: 2.5 ml / 40 kg B.wt. as a drench for 5 days.

Packaging: 100 ml- One lit

Producer / Agent: Adwia