albendazole 6
albendazole 6


Composition: Each 100 ml contains:  Albendazole: 5 gm

Indications: for the treatment of the different worm Infestations such as round, lung and tape worms as well as liver flukes in cattle .buffaloes, calves, sheep & goats.

Dosage: (to be given by drench as a single dose) Cattle,Buffaloes & Calves : 15 ml. /100 kg. B.wt (In case of liver flukes): 20 ml. /100 kg.B.wt and repeated after 6 weeks. Sheep & Goats: 1 ml.

/10 kg. B.wt. (In case of liver flukes): 1.5 ml. /10 kg. B.wt and repeated after 6 weeks.

Withdrawal Period: 15 days.

Packaging: 100,500, 1000 ml. & 2 lit. Producer/ Agent: Pharma swede