Annual Issue من اصل22

Annual Issue من اصل22

NEWS\Annual Issue 2من اصل2

important 25 companies; five companies in each sector. In this Edition, we
have arranged these companies in an alphabetical order, so that the reader
can classify the companies himself/herself; from the first position to the
fifth one, for each sector. We provide the reader with an introduction about
each company and its establishment, development phases, vision and role in
the sector. Then, we explore the most significant projects implemented or
supervised by each company. We seek to give detailed information about
such companies and their works and avoid the previous mistakes
committed by different media outlets, when they mentioned the names of
leading companies with little pieces of information, paying no attention to
their projects and achievements.
In this Edition, we proudly present the best businessmen and key figures
and the most important companies in these five sectors; not only in Egypt,
but also i n the Arab and international world, where several countries are
seeking the help of such key figures to benefit from their advice,
engineering consultations or implementation of major projects there.
Accordingly, these five sectors and those who are seeking to develop and
promote them aim to improve Egypt’s image and reputation in the field of
building and construction all over the world. Therefore, FUZED magazine
believe in the fact that the “BIG FIVE”; such companies and key figures,
should be perfectly covered by a full edition dedicated annually for them in
recognition and appreciation of their efforts to promote these sectors that
constitute about 40% of the Egyptian economy.