Architecture Camp: an experience to cohabit remote places and out-of-city districts
like Siwa and Sinai. A service project and an educational camp to rehabilitate the place,
coexist with it, and compromise a middle land with its inhabitants to reach fruitful
solutions and developing architectural projects.
During this camp, trainees are exposed to experiments to separate them from their
noisy rush city life and be open to a completely different desert environment like Siwa ,
or different organic farm products like in Nweiba . They are allowed to boost their
perception through their senses then design inspired spaces from the feeling they
Cinematically, a short film promo and a comical short video were made by theories
workshop students out of an architectural idea. The school targets 3 age categories:
3.5pecialized categories a) 18-22
b) 23-25
Foreign learners are a 4th category: currently a Pennsylvanian learner is at the
architectural department, a Canadian student is at the cinematic department.
Archicinema is the first unique architectural school to rely on one’s special experience
in developing a new mindset that deals with architecture as a cinematic value by creating
spaces to be interacted with dramatically. These spaces are meant to achieve user
comfort by achieving the essential needs of every life aspect. Thereby, working on both
intellect developing and community benefiting and changing the vision of “how to deal
with life” all through architecture, and perceiving this life through cinema.