The latest tech that they’ve developed is a NANO-L1DAR system. This
system is in the process of being patented.
Travelmate comes in three different sizes, with the smallest model being
carryon sized, so you can take it with you on the plane. It looks completely
different from other suitcases and has light up LED indicators. It’ll even
show that it’s turning with its LED lights, just like a car’s turn signals. You’ll
stand out from the crowd with the coolest suitcase out there if you get a
Travelmate . And it comes in a bunch of different colors. Pretty much every
color palette is included and we’ve seen flag colored Travelmate’s too.
Even the way it moves is unique. Taking aside the fact that it moves on its
own – Travelmate’s wheels are revolutionary when applied to luggage.
They’re called Omni wheels and they move in a bunch of different
directions. They look nothing like ordinary luggage wheels, but they’re
nonetheless even more maneuverable. These wheels contain mini wheels
that are controlled by Travelmate and it allows it to make tiny adjustments
on the fly.
Travelmate is a robot in every sense of the word. It moves on its own,
thinks on its own and talks on its own! We’ve all imagined human-like
robots walking the streets sometime in the far-off future, but maybe
instead, we’ll see a bunch of robot suitcases moving about.
Travelmate isn’t just a cool new gadget. It’s ushering in a new type of
lifestyle that’s fitting for the 21 st century.
Travelmate هي حقيبة مستقلة بالكامل تم تطويرها من قبل فريق تطوير الروبوتات في سان
فرانسيسكو، كاليفورنيا. لقد اخترع وطور هاذ الفريق روبوتات منذ عدة سنوات، لكن هذه الحقيبة
ربما هي أروع تطوير واختراع حتى الآن. ستتبعك في أي مكان تقريباً ويمكن استخدامها في
المطارات، أو عند الذهاب إلى العمل، أو اصطحاب أطفالك إلي المدرسة أو القيام ببعض التسوق.
الاحتمالات لا حصر لها.