Battlefield 1943

Battlefield 1943

Battlefield 1943
Battlefield 1943

Battlefield 1943 available to download on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 consoles, and a PC version. The game sees you playing as either an American marine or a soldier of the Japanese Imperial Navy, fighting for control of islands in the Pacific during the Second World War. Each side comprises up to 12 human players, and each team has a limited supply of “tickets’. When a player on the team dies this number decreases, and when tickets run out your team loses.

Each island has five strategic points marked with a flag, and capturing one of these increases the rate at four or all five, and they’ll soon lose the game. This makes capturing the majority of the flags, and defending them from attack, vital to winning.

You can choose to play as one of three types of soldier, depending on whether you choose to snipe from are littered with vehicles to use.

Jeeps allow you to dash across the map, tanks are massively powerful but surprisingly vulnerable to some attackers, while aircraft are trickier to control but so the landscape changes as you fight across it: tanks entire areas of cover to the ground.

Battlefield 1943 has three islands to fight on, and tow game modes, the simple game structure makes it really easy to pick up and play. If you have a suitable console, it’s a brilliantly simply game that’ll keep you engaged for hours.