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123 Free Solitaire 2009 7.0

123 Free Solitaire 2008 delivers what its title promises. Players can try their hand at any number of suits where the difficulty level can range from Easy to Hard depending on the suit you choose to play. The game’s most useful feature in the statistic that is lists whenever you select a suit that you’re thinking of playing. These statistics show you not only the difficulty level, but also the average amount of time that it would take to complete the suit, the probability of the player of completing the suit and the amount of re-deals that that suit offers. This information is all very useful whether you’re a novice or an expert Solitaire player because this information allows you to easily select a suit that is on par with your skill level. You can change the appearance of the background screed, as well as the images on the backs of the cards. You can choose among several images, most carrying a nature of wildlife theme.