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Arcade Games

Little Fighter 2


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You know a freeware game is doing something right when its devotees are willing to spend real money to purchase action figures of its playable characters. A multiplayer fighting game along the lines of Street fighter, the addictive Little Fighter 2 enables you choose a fighter, select the number of opponents, and pound away. Don’t look for rhyme, reason, or backstory- this title’s strictly for anyone itching for fight. You can brawl with up to eight other characters via network play (as you might imagine, that can make Little Fighter 2 more than a little chaotic), but the simplicity of the multi-axis fighting platform lends itself well to large-scale melees. Dodge a kick, turn around, dodge a punch, then play return the favor. Weap-one are strewn around the play area, ready to be picked up, used, thrown, smashed, or (gasp) simply placed neatly back on the ground. The selection of fight types is deep: a versus mode, a stage-based mode with optional computer assistance, one-on-one or two-on-two championship modes, and the on-line battlefield. With all the features, it’s no surprise that this game has its share of enthusiasts.