Decorations\CALENDAR & COMPETITIONS  3من اصل3

and to help it gain world-wide recognition. All documents must
be submitted by March 15th, 2014 latest. An international jury
will meet in Paris at the end of March, to select the winners
and running projects. The awards ceremony will be held in
Venice . The winners will then be invited to present their
project at the CA’ASI in Venice, during the 14th International
Architecture Biennale, as an exhibition is specially ongoing for
the occasion
Mission :
The UrbanArt Museum is not a building, it is a museum without
walls. The artwork of the UrbanArt Museum is scattered
throughout the built environment, and is designed to
strengthen the identity of the local community and to bring a
greater sense of ownership and awareness of the built
environment that we live, work and play in. Read more about
our mission here. The Need: Don’t take our word for it, hear
the youth from the Parramore community talk about the
importance of public fine art and the change that you could
help make. (videos coming soon!) The Community: Unlike
downtown Orlando , Parramore is a community with few
landmarks, icons or public fine art. The strength in the
community is its unique culture which is in danger of being
destroyed. Parramore was established in 1880 and it is the
historical hub of Orlando ‘s African-American community.
Blight, crime and poverty have ravaged the very core of the
community. Despite the recent flurry of public works projects
and the construction of over a billion dollars worth of cultural
institutions and several public/private art initiatives, Parramore
is continually neglected due to the fact that it resides on the
wrong side of Division Avenue.