
Composition: Each 100 gm contains: Trimethoprim 2 gm Sulphadiazine 10 gm Indications: It is effective against most gram +ve & gram-ve microorganisms including E.coli, klebsiella spp., shigella, pasteurella spp, salmonella spp., and staphylococcus spp. For the treatment and prevention of scour, acute salmonellosis and bacterial pneumonia in calves, lambs kids, foals & p

Dosage: Poultry: 4 gm / 5 lit of drinking water for 5 days. Medicated water should be used as a sole source of drinking. Calves, Lambs kids, Foals & Pigs: 5 gm / 20 kg B.wt. as a drench for 3-5 days.

Packaging: 200 gm – One kg

Producer / Agent: Adwia