Colomina and Wigley Announce Theme For 2016 Istanbul Design

Colomina and Wigley Announce Theme For 2016 Istanbul Design

INTERNATIONAL NEWS\Colomina and Wigley Announce Theme For 2016 Istanbul Design Biennial

Biennial: “Are We Human?”
At a media meeting this morning at the Istanbul Archaeological Museums
Library, the curators of the 3rd Istanbul Design Biennial Beatriz Colomina
and Mark Wigley announced the theme of next year’s event, titled “ARE
WE HUMAN?: The Design of the Species: 2 secands , 2 days, 2 years, 200
years, 200,000 years.” The event, which will be held from October 22nd to
December 4th next year, is intended to combine elements of both media
documentary and archaeological project and according to the curators “will
explore the intimate relationship between the concepts of ‘design’ and