![Decorations\CREATIVE ACT](
The “creative act” in my artworks is an exercise based on trial and error
method. This method has to be applied to each idea, as extravagant or
crazy as it might seem, to see its possibilities and pay close attention to the
results, because even if they are strange or insignificant, often give us clues
which end up shaping something that may have nothing to do with the first
idea but which has enough consistency to result in something valuable and
with own character.
This way of creating begins with something known, and ends, almost
always with other unexpected but alive thing. Something that somehow,
dictates its development and at some point it is presented itself as a tangible
reality and with its own character and personality .
The indications that start an artwork often have not even the category of
ideas. They may be some materials, or their
shape , an image, an abstract idea, a word, a small old drawing … anything.
That “germ” pops-up and “shoots” an intuition, which is materialized in a
first idea and the described process begins.
Normally, when I start an artwork, I do not know what I am looking for
but I know what to reject and I know how to recognize what is interesting.
This selective route leads to tangible things, which end up being my
I am trying to approximate sentences that explain the way I work, which
does not have an a priori concept, so common in the current world of art
we are living in. My artworks do not start from a conscientious speech or a
well-designed theory, which seems to be obligatory in these times. This
does not mean that they are trivial or merely decorative.
I want that my artworks transmit sensations, … that what You feel when
you are in front of a “living” artwork which amazes oneself and which is